Friday, March 4, 2011

My Cheat Sheet Of HBO's Most Enjoyable Series

In the past ten years or so, HBO, as a network, has really stepped their game up. Pracitcally every show they produce is at the very least, enjoyable to watch. Some of their shows have gone on to become classics, and others have simply become good ways to kill a half an hour.

This article will discuss what I consider to be the best shows of all time on HBO.

The first show that I think deserves to be discussed is True Blood. This show was released at a time when vampires were all the rage, which is pretty ridiculous in itself and something I think we will all be able to laugh at a few years down the road. True Blood makes vampires way cooler than any Stephanie Meyer novel ever could though.

Another show that has to be put on this list is The Sopranos. The Sopranos is easily one of the most iconic shows in recent memory and will go down as a classic series of television. The last episode upset a lot of fans, but it got everybody talking and I think that was the point.

Plain and simple, Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the funniest shows on tv. This show stars Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld, in a show that is very similar to Seinfeld in a lot of ways, except way dirtier and unfiltered. The result is harder laughter.

Another TV show that is definitely worth mentioning is Hard Knocks. The Jets were the most recent team to be featured on this show that chronicles the trials and tribulations of an NFL team as they get ready for the regular season. While the Bengals were entertaining, the Jets brought it to another level.

One other television show that I feel is worth mentioning is The Wire. This is certainly not a show for young kids, but if you are looking for a great TV series to get hooked on, look no further than The Wire.

Hopefully there are one or more shows on this list that you have not yet seen.

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